Mold can grow in a water damaged area in 48 Hours
When water damage is not remediated, mold can grow. (Photo Credits)
There are no exceptions. All water damaged establishments that have not been treated appropriately can harbor molds in as little as two days.
But whether or not the occupants can get affected by it, is a different question. One may need to know about the waning signs to finally conclude that indeed mold has been infesting a home or a commercial structure. Go to WaterDamagePro San Diego Homepage
Health Starts Here says the initial warning signs can even come from one’s own body.
“A 2011 study published in Applied and Environmental Biology, revealed that between 25-28 percent of North Americans are now genetically predisposed to feel negative effects when in areas with water-damaged such as their homes or workplaces. The study also revealed that “dampness,” which is the perfect breeding ground for fungi and mold, is present in up to 50 percent of homes and buildings in North America and that ‘…fungal growth is a problem in 15 to 40 percent of North American [homes].’ Simply put, that means that essentially you have up to a 50/50 chance that your home or workplace will be susceptible to mold and if it is, there is up to a 40 percent chance you will experience negative health issues as a result!”
Read more here.
What are the clues?
Environmental Services Group also shared some tell –tale signs of mold growth. 24/7 Commercial Water Restoration Pros Homepage
“Are your windows sweating? A clear warning sign of potential mold growth is condensation on your windows. And did you know? You’re at a much greater risk of window condensation if you live in a newer, more tightly sealed home versus a drafty, older home—most of which offer plenty of cracks, openings and other opportunities for air to escape (with the energy bills to prove it). Whether condensation seems insignificant or severe, droplets of water can land on the window framing and adjoining drywall and promote mold growth. If you’ve had excess condensation on your windows for a year or more, chances are high that you already have a little (or a lot!) of mold growing, even if it can’t yet be seen with the naked eye.”
Check out the rest of the post here.
What are the other signs?
AA Action Water Proofing meantime said that mold infestation can also be determined through the smell of a building or a home.
“Mold has a very distinct smell, and this can be one of the first signs you can look for to detect even small amounts of mold in your basement. If you go into your basement and you smell a bit of a musty odor, it’s not dust or “basement smell” you’re smelling, it’s most likely the presence of mold spores.”
Read more clues here.
Do you recognize a musty smell in your home or office?

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